10 Airbnb Hosting Tips for a Successful Listing

Are you thinking about listing your property on Airbnb? While it can be a great way to earn some extra income, it’s not always as simple as just putting up a listing and waiting for guests to start booking. Why aren’t your guests booking? Is there anything else missing from your listing?

Becoming a successful Airbnb host requires more than just having a place for guests to stay. You need to be able to provide an experience that’s worth their money and leaves them wanting to come back (and recommend you to their friends). With these things in mind, here are 10 tips on how to make your Airbnb listing successful:

1). Start with Great Photos

Your listing’s photos are one of the first things potential guests will see, so you want to make sure they’re good! Hire a professional photographer if you can, or at the very least, spend some time learning how to take great photos with your smartphone. Natural light is always best, so try to take photos during the daytime. And be sure to stage your space tastefully—you want it to look inviting and comfortable, not cluttered and chaotic.

2). Be as Detailed as Possible with Your Description

Your listing’s description is your opportunity to sell your space. Be sure to highlight all of its best features, from the comfortable beds to the fabulous views. But don’t stop there! Be sure to also give potential guests a sense of what it’s like to stay in your neighbourhood. What are some of your favourite local amenities? What are the best things to do nearby? The more information you provide, the better-equipped guests will be to decide if your listing is right for them.

While being as detailed as possible in your description is important, you also don’t want it to sound like a hotel brochure. Be sure to inject some personality into your writing! Share a little bit about yourself and what made you decide to become an Airbnb host. What do you love about your neighbourhood? Your guests will appreciate getting to know you a little bit before they even arrive.

3). Price Carefully

You want to charge enough money to cover your costs and make a profit, but you don’t want to price yourself out of the market either. Do some research on similar listings in your area to get an idea of what others are charging. And be sure to keep an eye on your listing’s occupancy rate—if you’re not getting many bookings, it could be because your price is too high.

4). Think Like a Hotelier

Treating your Airbnb like a business is the best way to ensure success. This means providing things like clean linen and towels, toiletries, and coffee and tea. It might seem like a small thing, but these little touches can make a big difference in the minds of guests.

Make sure that you include these details somewhere on your listing, as potential guests will certainly be looking for them.

5). Get Good Reviews

Reviews are everything on Airbnb. They’re one of the first things guests will look at when considering your listing, and they can make or break a booking. So what can you do to get good reviews? 

First of all, always be professional and polite—you want to set the tone for a good experience from the very beginning. Secondly, go above and beyond for your guests! If there’s anything you can do to make their stay more comfortable or memorable, be sure to do it.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for a review once they’ve left. A personal note thanking them for their stay and asking them to leave a review can go a long way.

Airbnb Hosting Tips

6). Set Clear House Rules

From the get-go, you need to set clear expectations for guests. Be specific about what you do and don’t allow in your home, from smoking to parties. You can even add a “House Rules” section to your listing’s description to make sure everyone is on the same page.

7). Make Communication Easy

Good communication is key to a successful Airbnb experience. Guests expect prompt responses from their hosts, so be sure to reply to messages within 24 hours (preferably sooner). If you can’t reply right away, be sure to let your guest know when they can expect a response from you. 

8). Be Flexible with Check-In/Checkout Times

When it comes to cancellations and check-in times, the more flexible you are, the better. Guests will appreciate not having to worry about being charged a fee if they need to cancel their stay, and being able to check in whenever they want will make their trip that much more enjoyable. 

9). Offer Discounts for Longer Stays

If you’re having trouble getting bookings, try offering a discount for guests who stay for a week or more. This is a great way to attract longer-term guests, who tend to be more reliable and less likely to cause problems.

10). Keep Your Calendar Up-to-Date

Nothing is more frustrating for potential guests than finding a perfect Airbnb only to discover that it’s not available when they need it. Avoid this issue by keeping your calendar up-to-date at all times. And if you do need to cancel a booking, be sure to give guests as much notice as possible.

Final Thoughts

Everything starts with an irresistible listing. Write a great description, add plenty of photos, and be sure to set a competitive price. From there, it’s all about providing a great experience for your guests. If you can do that, you’re well on your way to becoming a successful Airbnb host!

Choose BNB Booking Today

Whether you’re looking for a place to stay or you’re a property owner wanting to list your space, BNB Booking is the perfect platform for you. With multiple listings and a user-friendly interface, it’s easy to find the perfect place to stay. If you’re a property owner, you’ll be glad to know you can list your own property with confidence.

Creating a listing is quick and simple, and our team is always on hand to help with anything you need. If you need help, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly staff.

Please call us today at BNB Booking today on 1300 421 029 or leave an enquiry and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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